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Northamptonshire Holiday Cottages Information

Covid-19 Procedures

Due to Covid-19 and following Government guidelines to the best of our ability, extra time will be needed for changeovers, so arrival and departure times will now be 4.00 pm arrival and 9.30 am departure.

NVC has a septic tank so please do not use any bleach or any anti-bacterial products in the sink and in particular do not flush hand wipes or rubber gloves down the WC. The cleaning materials supplied are all eco friendly.

Please strip your beds into the linen bags provided before leaving, including the towels.

Please fill the dishwasher with a load of crockery and cutlery and set it running before you leave. Do not empty it.

We have reduced the quantity of some of the kitchen equipment as the requirement to rewash every item between guests (even if it is clean) would not be possible.

We have removed decorative cushions, cushions on hard seats and throws, so please do feel free to bring your own if you wish.

There is a bottle of hand sanitiser in the kitchen. Please leave it there on departure. Please bring face masks and disposable gloves to suit your requirements.

If a member of your party does develop symptoms, you should return to your primary residences and self isolate there.

Nene Valley Cottages
1-3 Nene Valley Cottages
NN14 3DZ
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